Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I lost my safety shoes... this is how it looks like, took it randomly from the picture I captured for my work instruction. I didn't take a clearer picture initially because I thought I will never lost it.
This is the 2nd time my shoes were stolen, I wonder which son of the bitch stole it. Damn it, it was given by mt internship superior and I just wore it for 2 weeks. It still looks like a brand new one since I just wore it to practical. I shouldn't put on the rack outside the hostel at main campus. I have no fear to put it outside because I thought universities student are somehow more civilized but it has already proven to me that what i have been thinking was totally wrong. I think those culprit had already spotted it for couple of weeks before taken it away from me. I still remember the 1st time I lost it for the similar situation, but that previous pair I left it outside the hostel at engineering campus during the mid semester break.

I was scolded by my superior and have to wear on the fugly looking protection shoes cap while waiting for the arrival of new safety shoes.

When will it comes, will it be the last day of my intern???

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