Saturday, April 30, 2011


Yesterday was my last paper of final exam, I just completed my 3rd year....means I am stepping towards 4th year for the coming semester which is final year of my overall course, for those who don't know me, I am studying Aerospace Engineering in University Science Malaysia, about designing an aircraft with all the ugly maths and softwares. Well, time flies so fast, I still remember the 1st day I came here with thousands of doubts in my minds of what I am gonna do or be in the future.

Alright, go back to the current issue, yesterday was my last paper of 3rd year and I have only 3 more days to settle down my Palapes Udara and Industrial Training stuff before I am going to work as a cheap labour for my Industrial Training. Palapes Udara is sort of airforce reserved army that I participated as a co-curriculum subject in my university. Apart from grad in academic, we will also graduate as an officer after completion of 3 years in Palapes Udara. For these preparation, we must undergo several medical check up such as urine test, X-ray, blood test and etc. which I spent lot of time while juggling with exam. The X-ray I did at the nearby Hospital but the Urine test within the USM health center, Its really time consuming because have to go to few places for different tests. Finally, just left 1 more to go, that is to take the doctor signature for the tests verification. But I decided to skipped the appointment and went to take my final exam after figured out that is more important.

Well, I am a bit regret now because I should go earlier for the appointment instead dragging around. Today and tomorrow is weekends and the clinics were closed and I couldn't get the sign from panel clinic outside the campus because according to them, I must take another test in the clinic in order for them to sign...lolx, so much to do and I don't want to wasting time around by doing another similar test just for the sign and might take days to process, tomorrow is Sunday and is also labour day, so most probably the the clinic will replace the public holiday on Monday and I am gonna go for Industrial Training on Tuesday and I don't have time for these S**T thingy....

Apart from these, I also haven't settle my hostel for the Training period. Got to take the key at the office hour which the same scenario applies here. Monday OFF, Tuesday WORK and my working day is weekdays 8am to 6pm. Which is impossible for me to get the signature and room keys...Arghhhh>>>>I am so stressed, I haven't go back home nearly for a month. What should I do? I am stuck in the middle of nowhere.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I watched Source Code last night, it was a good movie indeed. I was neither fascinated by the high technology equipment or the action in the movie...wait, what is the connection between break and source code. Well, I am actually realized some lesson that I have already known, that is a break. Never engaged 100% with the job, projects, assignment and etc. Yea I know, without job, people would not survive. Because they gain no money.

What I am trying to say is just do it but do give yourself some space and time occasionally. People tends to neglect the other things such as health, friendship, love, family and many more that means so much to them compared to the feeling-less workload that being assigned by their boss. Take a moment of silence and think about the thing you are doing and the thing you have neglected. You might realize that actually we work more because we want to generate more income, which is wealth.

Wealth is something we want but not something we need. Human being is a greedy creature, we would never satisfied with what we have. We could not bring those wealth into the grave and enjoy it in the afterlife but we will bring memories when we were alive instead. What we actually need is something that is sufficient to keep us continue living and happy. Those jobs can be resumed after the break. So, do remember to take a break when you are in the middle of your hectic life. Do enjoy and do not suffer.

Monday, April 11, 2011

■開始這封的時間 : 9:30am
■你的全名 : 罗福顺
■你現在正在聽誰的歌 : 林俊杰 ■你在哪裡讀書(工作) : 理大航空宇宙工程系
■上一次生日蛋糕上蠟燭的數目 : 4
■你吹蠟燭的日期 : 22 - 7 - 2010
■你們家養過什麼寵物 : 鱼,乌龟,狗。。
■星座 : 巨蟹
■有幾多耳洞 : 没有
■你有刺青嗎 : 没有
■你喜歡你目前的生活嗎 : 还好咯 。。因为这是我的选择。
■暗戀過幾個人: 五个以下吧!
■有向人告白的經驗嗎 : 咳! 懒得提。。
■不敢吃的東西 : 没有吧
■最喜歡吃什麼東西 : 妈妈煮的菜
■最喜歡喝什么: 酒
■最喜歡的數字 : 2。。真的吗?
■最喜歡的電影: 叶文
■喜歡看哪一種電影類型 : 除了恐怖片
■最喜歡的品牌 : 没有叻。。。
■最懷念的日子 : 小学的时候。。。什么都不用想,玩就是了。
■最傷心的事情: 家里出事
■最想講對不起的人: 家人
■最後悔的事 : rumah bintang 给我害输了
■最喜歡星期幾 : 星期五
■最喜歡春夏秋冬哪一季節 : 晴天
■喜歡的花 : 不知道
■喜歡的運動 : 跑步 ,游泳
■比過哪些比賽有得獎 : 从来没有
■喜歡的冰淇淋種類: chocolate
■討厭做的事 : 读书
■討厭別人做什麼 : 背着我说我坏话
■擅長的事: 不知道。。
■有想過要自殺嗎 : 从来没有
■臥室的地毯是什麼顏色 : 没有地毯
■以後想做什麼職業 : 我没有很明确的目标。。
■你們家住幾樓: 排屋
■你信有鬼的嗎 : 一点点咯。。
■你覺得自己十年後會在哪裡 : 马来西亚
■無聊的時候你大多做些什麼 : 弹吉他
■世界上最惱人的事 : 住在地理环境不好和很穷的人,很可怜。。
■覺得同性戀呢 : 开心就好
■如果有人誤會你 : 给他误会。。
■有想過要怎麼對付你討厭的人嗎 : 没有,懒得想
■你認為你的另一半幫你付錢是理所當然的嗎 : 不认为。。
■你介意替你另一半付錢嗎 : 不介意
■通常幾點上床睡覺 : 2-3am
■現在心裡最想見的人是誰 : 家人
■理想幾歲結婚: 没想过。。
■今天心情好嗎 : 考试期间。。很闷啊!
■最希望誰回信 : 大家。。
■结束這封的時間 : 10:17am
